With the age of most Suzuki SJs on the roads today, it is not uncommon for them to have accumulated some muck and crud in thier fuel tanks. Because of this, sooner or later you will need to replace the fuel filter. Although this is one of the easiest maintenance procedures you can do, here are a few tips to help you.

Tools and equipment ...

Tools needed for the job will vary depending on the style, and condition, of the old clamps hold the fuel hoses in place on the filter. Depending on the type of clamps that have been used, you may need a screwdriver, small spanner, or pliers, to loosen them.

Removing the old filter ...

The fuel filter is mounted under the SJ on the inner side of the chassis near the driver side rear wheel. Begin by placing a container underneath the fuel filter to catch any fuel that will escape. Loosen the clamps holding the pipes in place on the fuel filter, and slide them down the fuel hose out of the way. This is usually easier said than done, and you will more than likely loose some skin off your fingers while you try and cut the old clamps off with a small hacksaw.

One the clamps are loose, use a twisting motion, gently pull the hoses off the old filter. It is probably best to replace the rubber hoses if you have had to cut the clamps off with a hacksaw, as the hose could be now damaged and cause a fuel leak.

Tip: - Use a couple of old golf tees to plug the ends of the fuel lines until you fit the new filter.

Fitting the new filter ...

There are two types of compatible filters. One has staggered inlet/outlet pipes, while the other has inlet/outlet pipes that are in a straight line. If you have a look at the new filter, you will see an arrow marked on it. This arrow points in the direction the fuel will flow to reach the fuel pump, and ultimately the carburettor.

If for some strange reason the filter is not marked, ther is still a way to fit the filters correctly.
-On the staggered filter, the top connection is outlet line, while the lower one is the inlet.
-The straight filter has a flat end and a tapered end. The tapered end is connected to the inlet pipe, while the flat end is the connected to the outlet pipe.

Align the filter properly, and connect the hoses to the filter.

Tip: - It is easier to slide the hoses back on to the filter if the ends of the rubber hoses have been warmed with a heat gun or hair dryer. Don't use a lighter flame or match for this.


Preventative maintenance ...

While replacing the filter, you will be able to check and assess all the related compnents. Check the fuel lines and clamps. If they appear to be damaged or worn, it is easier and safer to replace them now while you already have the fuel lines disconnected.

As an added precaution, it may pay to add a second fuel filter nearer to the fuel pump. This is simply a matter of buying a couple of extra hose clamps and a fuel filer. Look for the fuel line going into the fuel pump, and cut this. Slide a hose clamp on to each section of the fuel line. Fit the hoses to the filter and tighten the clamps. Job done.

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