I bought my SJ413 Samurai Santana in November 2006 After I got it home I took the SJ for an MOT to check what needed doing... I knew about the sills so set about replacing them with some box section to double up as rocksliders

Remove the plastics trims. Cut out the sills just above the flange that holds the plastic trim.

Cut along the edge of the inner cill and those bits of the wheel arches that are neccessary.

I had two lengths of 4" square section (4mm thick) steel as the new cills, and these are then welded in place along all the edges where I cut out the old metal.

I have 'faired in' the weld on the outside with body filler. This will be painted to match the car.

This article was written by Matthew Hyde-Edwards, also known as "Mattzuki"

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