Sometimes you may need to remove badges from a vehicle. Removing badges can be fairly easy, and the length of time it takes will depend on the temperature, and how large the badges are. Do the job slowly, and don't be tempted to rush.

Removing the badges...

Boil a kettle of water. Place some old cloths around the badges if possible. Carefully pour boiling water over the badge. This will loosen the glue and allow the badge to be peeled off easily. You don't need a lot of water. When the badge has been removed, there will still be a lot of glue stuck to the bodywork. Dry the area and spray it with a light coating of WD-40 or similar oil, slowly rubbing it into the glue with your finger. This will loosen the glue further.


Then, using a clean dry cloth, rub the oil coated area, and the glue should roll up into little pieces which can then be easily removed. Once this is done, polish the area with a liquid polish like Turtle-wax.

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