Here's a quick guide on how to strip and clean the main jets on an SJ410 F10a carb?

This can be done in situ.

Remove the plate to the right of the fuel input/float assembly and also remove the float assembly (3 screws

Pop the pin out and remove float

Remove needle and clean but don't loose any of the bits ;) and give the fuel inlet a good blow through.

Remove 17mm bolt, drain carb and remove lower jet, give it a good blow through.

Remove the upper jet, you might need a bit of wire to get it out, and give that a blow through

There is another jet under that screw in the pic just below the upper jet, but I never usually bother with this one as it can be hard to remove without damaging it and have never had any problems with it blocking, I would only remove it for a clean as a last resort!
give all the chambers a good clean and put it all back together in the reverse order

Article written by ScottieJ

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