Right so we have an flat battery/ignition/starter motor problem..
If it were just the starter then a bump start should have got it running, so it sounds like there's no power coming through from the ignition switch to the HT circuit
Check the battery terminals and cables plus the engine earth strap, might be worth removing them and cleaning all the connectors with a wire brush or knife
In your first post you had the engine turning over by using jump leads directly onto the starter, so the engine isn't seized/starter motor is working ok, so unless there are teeth worn or broken on the flywheel causing it to stick the problem is electrical.
if you stick the car in gear, handbrake off, can you rock it and see if the engine is turning over? This would rule out jammed starter/flywheel teeth/seized engine (Don't do it on a hill)
I'm, guessing you either have a bad earth or battery connection, possibly it has broken/loosened in the rollover, (is your battery secured or did it fall out) or the small wire on the starter has come off/broken
To test this, jump it from another car by connecting the -ve lead onto your SJ engine block rather than the -ve battery terminal, if it cranks/starts you have a bad earth, if not, check that you have power going to the small starter wire when the igniton key is turned to the start position (two man job)
Or... but be careful if trying this one as the engine WILL turn over while your hands are in beside it....
turn the ignition on, run a wire from the +ve terminal of the battery to the small terminal on the starter, when the connection is made the engine should turn over, if its doesnt start you have a problem between the ignition switch and the starter connection/HT circuit