i will post up some proper pics when i can but all the ones from inside korc are on a friends phone so im waiting for him to send them to me.
just before leaving
just before coming home,fortunately it survived the day this time
If at First You Don’t Succeed Skydiving Is Not for You
hes finally sent me some pictures
although im still waiting for a lot of them.
this is a small part of the quarry
and some of the pics i actually have.
there are quite a few more but im still waiting for them,i will update again when i get some
If at First You Don’t Succeed Skydiving Is Not for You
i thought it was a bit weird that the treads were that way round ,i just assumed that the arrow would be the right way
ive got to take them off anyway so i can drive it on the road again.
If at First You Don’t Succeed Skydiving Is Not for You