I have too many LWB Sammis. Want to swap 1 for an SJ Pick-up

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Rabid Rhino
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I have too many LWB Sammis. Want to swap 1 for an SJ Pick-up

Post by Rabid Rhino » Fri May 29, 2015 6:15 pm

Too many LWBs ? Oh the humanity !!!!!

In April I bought all 3 LWB Sammis on ebay.co.uk If you were bidding on them, sorry I'm that bastard.

I want to bring them out to the US but one is a 1993 so its going to be another couple of years before I can bring it out here so I'm looking for a pre 1990 pickup to take its place as I'm impatient.

I read that Scotty likes em but says the small cab makes them uncomfortable, prefering the more practicle LWB
Any 5'6" & taller people have a pick up they may want to swap for a spacious LWB ?

The 1993 LWB is generally tidy but needs a new front passenger floor hence I would sweeten the deal with extra cash.
I can send pics form the ebay auction as I have yet to see it as I got a guy to collect it & store it for me.


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