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Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:10 pm
by Jordi
timwilks13 wrote:
Thu Jun 14, 2018 12:55 pm
Read the title jordi, this is the no dosh LJ revamp, so why not let someone come and do the work for you ;)
I knew a lad from Scarborough with a similar philosophy.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Jun 14, 2018 10:26 pm
by donkeychomp
AA are free (sorta) mate of a mate will do the work at mate's rates so dirt cheap. Has to be I have sod all dosh. And this morning the wipers stopped working. AA man again, got them working then the motor died!! Then I went to drive off this evening and the key just turns. All the idiot lights pop up but turn the key to engage the starter and total silence. Got a bump start and drove home, cursing the AA all the way lol.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Fri Jun 15, 2018 10:40 pm
by donkeychomp
So with the truck in my garage at home and no way of getting to mum's I had to think fast. As you all know by now electrics are not my thing at all, I reckon it's all the work of Beelzebub and his minions (not the yellow cute ones), so I had a check. Power going to everything as it should. I do like my sonic screwdriver. Then after about 10 minutes...where's the horn gone?
The mount that holds it had sheared off and the earth for the sticky starter solenoid was on I found a discarded heater, nicked the wiring off it...
then bodged a new line to a different earthing point.
She fired up straight away. I am gobsmacked that I actually did that all on my own.

Alex 1 AA 0 :rockin:

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Sun Jun 17, 2018 10:35 pm
by donkeychomp
That's odd a load of blurb is missing there. Where the horn mounts and does the sticky starter fix. Remounted the horn and a quick respray for some added under bonnet bling... :hahaha:

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:00 am
by donkeychomp
All is well with Piglet apart from one indicator on the left side not working. Was a lovely morn and as I drove past the river I stopped to get a pic. I parked at the corner of a trailer park entrance, usual white trash as I found out...there was room enough to drive 4 Panzers around me but some old git in a Kia Craporama pulls up behind me and beeps as I am trying to take the pic. It goes like this...

I am just taking a pic won't be a moment

Move your fucking anus

It's not a anus it's a Suzuki

Move that hunk of crap out of my way

You drive that and call this a hunk of crap?

Move that fucking car

Please don't swear at me, just drive around me, enough room for 5 buses there

I'll fucking do you in a moment

At this pleasant interlude I removed my entrenching tool and approached his car...

Say what now?

He then drives right up to my rear bumper and leans on the horn as several other happy campers emerge from their trailers to ogle. One woman is laughing her head off and saying 'not him again'

I calmly take my pic get into the truck and roll a ciggy. He is going berserk in his car and actually drives into my 2" steel bumper. I wet myself laughing so much. Light my fag and wait for him to realise I ain't moving. He finally backs up and drives around me swearing so much a docker would blush. Made a note of his number plate and drove off...

Oh..the pic!
note ample space to simply drive around me :brows:

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 11:32 pm
by donkeychomp
I finally got my winch mounting plate made and popped over to my friendly welder. He is a damn genius and the welds are perfect. So that got done for a score...
Cleaned up the bumper and sprayed that and the mount in satin black
Then bolted it all on. I used stainless steel Allens on it, strong and deters the pikey scum lol.
It's only a 3500lbs one but all I'll need, and not heavy so not to much weight added to the front. I'll finish wiring it up later.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:57 pm
by timwilks13
donkeychomp wrote:
Mon Jun 25, 2018 12:00 am
I am just taking a pic won't be a moment

Move your fucking anus

It's not a anus it's a Suzuki

Move that hunk of crap out of my way

You drive that and call this a hunk of crap?

Move that fucking car

Please don't swear at me, just drive around me, enough room for 5 buses there

I'll fucking do you in a moment
This is brilliant, and the j.e.e.p filter makes even more worth the while :hahaha:

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 10:21 pm
by donkeychomp
It was so funny. He just went berserk for no reason at all.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:37 pm
by andyrew
Some people have got nothing better to do.

Lj is looking good in the pics

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Jun 28, 2018 1:46 pm
by Anton
He saw the opportunity to have a power trip at your expense, he took it. There's something seriously wrong with his life, so he feels the need to bully others in order to make himself feel like the "big man".

Which usually means he's got feelings of inadequacy stemming from his small...
