by ScottieJ » Fri Feb 07, 2014 5:53 pm
Basic IVA
Basic IVA is only applicable to the following classes of vehicles. Please refer to Annex 2 on page 49
for definitions of these vehicles (excluding left hand drive) :
1. Personal imports
2. Amateur built vehicles (kit cars)
3. Rebuilt vehicles
4. Very low volume production vehicles
5. Ambulances (ambulances are only ‘M’ category)
6. Motor caravans (motor caravans are only ‘M’ category)
7. Hearses (hearses are only ‘M’ category)
8. Armoured vehicles (armoured vehicles can be ‘M’ or ‘N’ categories)
9. Left hand drive vehicles
10. A vehicle manufactured using parts of a registered vehicle
Any vehicle not being one of the above classes will be subject to a ‘Normal’ IVA inspection.
Although the same items are inspected as in type approval, they are not inspected in the same way. The examiner will, in the case of certain items, conduct an engineering assessment. This check will be in the form of either a visual inspection or a simple test on the vehicle to ensure, as far as practicable, that it complies with the regulations.
The inspection will be limited to parts of the vehicle which can be easily seen without the vehicle having to be dismantled. However, the presenter may be asked to open lockable compartments and remove engine covers, inspection/access panels, trims or carpeting. This is to allow access to items subject to inspection. In addition, as vehicles are inspected individually, the tests are not destructive or damaging to the vehicle in any way.
An Individual Approval Certificate (IAC) is issued when the examiner is satisfied that the vehicle would meet the requirements of the regulations, in the main being in relation to the design and construction of the vehicle. This is as opposed to an MoT, which is concerned about the condition of the vehicle, although with regards to IVA, a vehicle in poor condition may make it impossible to assess whether some construction requirements are met.
Where an item is found to be defective to the extent that it presents a potential danger when the vehicle is used, this may also result in the refusal to issue an Individual Approval Certificate.
Normal IVA
Normal IVA applies to M1 passenger cars and N1 light goods vehicles that are not defined by one of the categories listed subject to Basic IVA. This includes mass produced vehicles that are imported on a commercial basis. These vehicles will have to meet the Basic IVA requirements as well as additional safety, environmental and security aspects. These include brakes, crash safety, seat belt installation and anchorages, exhaust emissions (including CO2), noise and silencers and anti-theft protection. For these additional requirements, the European standard (or in some cases non-EU standards considered to be comparable) for that aspect of the vehicle and appropriate to the age of the vehicle, will have to be met.
For the Normal IVA element of the inspection, the items (other than seat belts) cannot be tested by VOSA because special facilities are required. For such items, you will have to provide additional documentary evidence to demonstrate that your vehicle complies with the ‘Type Approval’ standards required of mass produced cars in Europe. Your vehicle will be checked to ensure it aligns to the documentation provided as evidence of compliance when it is presented at the VOSA test station for the remainder of the inspection.
Compliance with Normal IVA may be demonstrated by one or more of the methods listed in Section 5 on page 14.