by Edweird » Thu Nov 01, 2012 12:18 am
What makes an SJ more fun than anything else (that I've driven).....
The lack of driver aids and other junk (ABS, PAS, A/C, TC, DSC, SLS, Airbags), the high riding position, fantastic visibility, retro thin large diameter ridged steering wheel, the shake, rattle and roll cornering.
They feel so much quicker than they are. There are two hills near where the road does an S-bend whilst still on a 1 in 10, if not steeper, incline and when I'm going up or down them in my SJ I feel like a Rally driver. Downhill an SJ's lack of power doesn't matter and you can concentrate on braking and taking the fastest line. Uphill you can forget about braking and all you need to worry about is doing as little steering as possible to avoid slowing down any more than the little engine would anyway.
As I said once before, I feel sorry for the folks who can't smile every day.
Driving my SJ to and from Uni every day is something I look forward to, just because I can sling her round a few well practised bends and leave and car following me in a state of amazement about 300 yards further away they they were before the bends.
Strictly speaking it's probably a bit reckless but it's one of the few things I can enjoy in life.
The only thing that beats it is having the road to myself in the dead of night. Cruising along at 40 miles an hour with not another soul on the road is bliss. No reason to hurry, you've not got to be anywhere for anything, you're not got some boy racer or business exec riding your tail. Just you and the nearest to a living thing a machines come since the steam engine eating up road without a care in the world.
There's three ways of doing things:
The right way,
The wrong way
And my way, which is like the wrong way but faster.