maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

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maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by chrisbatski » Wed Aug 31, 2011 2:25 pm

Hi new here basically my friends have all gone out and bought sj now after seeing 3 o them i have come to relise that they have all being bodged on the wiring side, my mates was in a really bad way so he bought a new loom.... not from the same model now we have fitted nearly all of it by shear luck and some of the circuit diagrams i have found, the problem i am having is although the circuit diagrams have helped (A lot) some of the wires are slightly diffeant coloures, heres my problem

fog light switch, this is driving me crazy i have a white, red with white and green blue the only one i know is green blue that goes to the fog, the fog is then earthed at the body at the back.No matter what way i put these wires i cant get it to work right.The red/white seems to be 12v untill the headlights are switched on then nothing. The white is dead now i did (kind of) trace this to a white which was just on a male connector (looked factory put on) near the fuse box so i decided to put that to a white in the fuse box and the fog worked.
But the light on the switch was on constant so i removed all the pins from the plug and put them on diferant connectors but it just wouldnt work right either the light was on and the switch light wasent or vise versa........... i cant now for the life of me remeber the originl order and im running out of fuses as its blowing them in one of the combination, i mean there are only 3 wires and i cant get it back lol

another thing is i have yet to notice a permenant live its the loom with the clocks without a rev counter im guessing there aint one which puts a problem for the interior clock, how the hell did the old one keep time on the original loom

alternator, havent started this yet 3 wires which seem to randoml;y connect in the loom (according to the diagram) but the 3 i have are differant colours to the ones in the diagram

anyway if someone could help with this or give me a diagram for the model this is from , the one i have is very very similar apart from a few small details

thanks for looking

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Re: maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by chrisbatski » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:22 pm

with the alternator i cant find any help with thepictures i have seen
we have a black plug which used to have two white/yellows and a red/white, all i have now is 1 white/yellow and a black/white, we tried them but the engine kept running without ignition
there has to be a way to make this work, all the other tutorials i have read are for other alternators and say the white/yello goes to posotive on the altenator but the sj was fine before and it did not have any wires going to the alternator caseing just the 2 white/yello which were linked out and the white red for bat light

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Re: maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by ScottieJ » Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:54 pm

I see the problem, you are trying to wire a jap loom into a Spanish sj, you are probably going to need a jap ignition switch and jap stalks. Spanish and jap sjs are wired differently. Think you are going to be having some fun with that to he honest! What model sj is it? I might have a spare jap ignition switch and stalks.

The wiring loom you want to follow is in the stickies at the top of the wiring diagrams thread there is a link to the European wiring diagram.

There is also a post on the fog light wiring a bit further down the first page of the electric section.
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Re: maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by Darrell » Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:05 pm

Lets start with this then. The red/white wire is from the headlight circuit which is switched earth and will read 12v via the headlight bulb until it is earthed. This is not normally connected to the foglight circuit (jap anyway). The white wire is from the fusebox. The foglight is not normally earthed at the rear and gets it's earth via the headlight switch so the foglight will only operate when the headlights are on. If you left it as it is earthed and with the green/blue connected it will work regardless of whether the headlights are on or not. Have a look for a green with black trace wire before doing much else though as you may be able to wire it up as standard. Is your foglight in the rear cluster or a separate unit.
Headlight foglight.jpg
Headlight foglight.jpg (98.26 KiB) Viewed 8734 times
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Re: maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by ScottieJ » Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:16 pm

I think in they do use the red and white for the fog in the Spanish wiring though darrell? Problem is I can't find a Spanish wiring diagram anywhere, I pm'd you earlier as in this image you have posted before it shows it

Have you got a circuit diagram for the fog light that goes with this set up?

Chrisbatski how much of the donor loom have you got?
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Re: maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by Darrell » Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:41 pm

I have too many diagrams. Have to see where I found that one :oops: .
Not from the manual I normally use :S
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Re: maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by Darrell » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:03 pm

Still haven't found it,
Scott I guess you don't want a copy unless I find that different manual.
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Re: maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by chrisbatski » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:03 pm

thanks for the replys, the fog went onto the bak burner because i wanted to do the alternator but herers whar i have,
a three pin connector with a white=dead, unless i connect a random white near the fuse box to another white then it reads 12v so im guessing thats right
red/white = 12v untill the lights are switched on
green blue = switch wire to fog at rear
so if im to get this right the whits is the supply to the switch with the red/white acting as an earth so the fogs only work with headlights on and the green/blue is fog

Its a full loom i have with wiper stalks not ignition but we are linking that for now
at the moment the 2 things which i cant do are altenator and fog(which if i wanted i could wire up on another seperate switch)
got heaters working all the other lights although one side of the indicators flashes faster than the other but they all flash
the engine starts revs sounds fine horn works interior light and most of the lights in the clocks

thje problem with the alternator is giving me the run around the existing loom had going to the altenator a 3 pin black plug with two white/yellow thick cables (linked for some reason at the plug looks factory original?) and a red white seperate (battery warning light)

the new loom is so differant there is a white/yellow thick wire which brances off into 2 one i have on the battery + the other im guessing is for the alternator
then all close to the alternator I have

white/black = 12v ignition live only other one i have seen is around where the stereo goes and fuse box and the diagram i have it seems its the stereo live

white/green = 12v ignition live no idea where this goes at all

black/white = at the moment i have it to the carb celonoide as its ignition live and from the circuit diagrams matches the colour and locations to coil ect

no matter what combination i put these wires the alternator is not working right, it seems that if i connect
white/yellow to white/yellow 1 on plug
black/white to white yellow 2 on plug (linked to white yellow 1 remeber from factory)
white/green to white/red on plug

it works charges up runs without battery but the car wont stop running when i remove the ignition links im useing to start it

sorry for the long post but hopefully that enough info
thanks again

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Re: maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by chrisbatski » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:04 pm

sorry for bad spelling and random wrong letters got gloves on

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Re: maybe Someone can help fog/alternator/dash clock

Post by chrisbatski » Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:32 pm

fog done thanks i removed the earth on the rear and found the red/white and used that, again thanks for trhe info
just the altenator

just a quick edit fog and light on switch work fine with headlight on, but with them off the fog can still work and the light on the switch wont go off

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