Well, it's been a good summer and the weather really helped with stripping the SJ down.
To be honest, I hadn't really had a plan to begin with, and so I took a few days to ponder my best course of action and what my intentions were for the Suzuki.
I'm hoping to keep her as standard looking as possible and will strip/service where required, but add a few modern upgrades along the way.
Stripping down then started to commence, slowly at first with a bolt here and there, but then getting really stuck in once I'd removed the bonnet, etc!
Lots of photographs were taken along the way which will definitely help later on.
New parts (such as the windcreen glass,etc) have arrived and carefully placed into storage.
New and various tools purchased along with a range of rust inhibitors.
Autumn I bought a Clarke CIG81020 garage for the winter which will be a major improvement compared with the ebay gazebo special, and I'm currently building some foundations for the frame.
To be fair the gazebo has helped shelter the body tub from strong sunshine and through some heavy downpours and was definitely worth the £50. But it was definitely on its last legs with plenty of lash ups!
The body tub is away to have some panel-work carried out, but it's generally in good condition, sills are solid, just rear corners and where the fuel hoses go through the floor.
Chassis work will start soon.
Then a white Raptor coating to the bottom and inside of the tub.
I've decided to keep the SJ in the original white colour and will be using Olympic/Alpine White.
Maybe include a little pearl or silver fleck?
This will also include the chassis in Raptor white.
Right, how does this tent go together?!
Garage is in place and is a great area for working within.
Upgraded to BMW front seats.
Christmas Covid present...great!
New floor panels have arrived.
Welding on the tub planned for this Friday.
New leaf springs arrive soon.
Chassis now bare and ready for treatment. It is in great condition and following a good clean up I intend to Raptor it.
More pictures to follow (assuming I can work out how to upload them!).
Why Bender? My SJ is named after the greatest robot
Cheers Dave