wrote:You're correct, we now only have access to a very small percentage of the unsurfaced public rights of way. It seems particularly cruel that they would want to take that from us too, especially when the antis already have an additional 109,000 miles of routes they have access to which we don't!
Click on those one at a time. Perspective.
I know the dereg bill hasn't closed the byways, but I think it's just a matter of time until they're trying again. I think I might start to photograph/film some of the byways that have been restricted so that when they *do* start to threaten us again, we have some ammo to come back at them with.
Or maybe even put some pressure on MP's to actually lift the restrictions and re-open them, if we can find evidence that there's no good reason for them to be closed. ... duct_id=19
What do you guys think about the idea of SCUK becoming a GLASS affiliate? I'd be willing to chip in!