greetings from yorkshire!!!!!!

New to say hello, give us an idea of who you are, and show us a pic of your pride and joy. were friendly and wont bite!
thunder truck
Got muddy boots
Got muddy boots
Posts: 7
Joined: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:50 pm

Re: greetings from yorkshire!!!!!!

Post by thunder truck » Fri May 07, 2010 3:58 pm

i used the kit from sky off road from the states well made and easy to fit. if you do buy from the states beware of the import taxes. i was lucky and i only had to pay for one box :lol:

its finding the springs which is hard, unless you want to pay alot for new springs, i priced some up at 175 for a per :shock:

if you do go yjs and need any help just let me know.

the front end is off tango i had to change it a little on the front to fit on mine.


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