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Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:23 pm
by Jordi
For the first time in 3 and a half years we concked out.

I was driving home friday night be about half 10 and judging by how cool my Zuk was running it was cold. When i got out the wagon at the yard it was low minus -2, -4 kinda temp. My Zuk temp does fluctuate a bit and i'm fairly sure it needs a thermostat but i'm saving that till i do my 1.6 conv.

Anyway on the way home it just died. Went to change down a gear, clutch in off the power and it just cut out. No coughing or spluttering just as if i'd turned ignition off.

Went to start it and it just turned over. Sat for a few minutes and away we went. Then it did exactly the same when i stopped outside my garage.

I'm thinking carb icing. I'm still running the 90* elbow SU adaptor and have just wrapped the old carb auto choke heater pipes round it. I'm thinkig the extreme cold it wasnt warm enough and every now and then its iced up?

All electrics seem fine, i've checked my fuel flow and spark. Nothings been tampered with.

Any other ideas?

Its not as cold today but i've tried to make a temp jacket for it. Wrapped foam around the elbow, then tin foil (reflective side in of course), more foam, lots of insulation tape to hold it all in place. Took it for a spin out and it ran fine. Now when you put your hand around the elbow all the insulated area is warm not just where the pipes are. Hoping icing is the issue and this will do as a temp fix till i get my RW manifold.


Re: Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 3:42 pm
by ScottieJ
Sounds like carb icing to me matey, it mostly happens due to a lack of hot air feed, even with SU carbs. I was having bad carb Icing so I've made a 2minute bodge before going out yesterday by running my air filter above the exhaust manifold, all this tubing is supposed to be for my snorkel :lol:
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Re: Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:00 pm
by Jordi
So icing is still an issue even on the RW manifold?

With mine sitting so long between uses i may also be getting frozen condensation in the air intake which won't be helping.

Guess its suck it and see. May do something similar to your temp fix and move all the air intake to the exhaust manifold side to warm the incoming air up.


Re: Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:02 pm
by Edweird
Carb icing is a problem on most cars with carburettors. The colder it is the more cars suffer. SJs have it bad because of their oversized engine bay. Lots of cold air gets up and around the engine bay when you're moving. The carb is very exposed under there.

Re: Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 4:57 pm
by ScottieJ
Mines a rhinorays manifold but yeah it's still the same style. These ones don't suffer icing so bad in just colder damp weather. But when it's minus temperatures outside and the dash pot has literally got ice on it the cure is a hot air feed.

Re: Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 6:59 pm
by dan_2k_uk
Mine started to run cold and splutter on the way home today. Still drive-able but noticeably down on power.

Re: Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:44 pm
by Jordi
Yeah, i'm down on power too. I think I have a few underlying issue that have reared their head in the cold. I've just gonna patch n bodge till I get the 1600 in. That'll be in march, feels so far away but 6 to 8 weeks and it should be done.

We've got carb icing, thermostat not closing, no hot air feed. and the frickin drivers door lock keeps freezing solid. Even if i leave it out for 10 minutes whilst i go shopping i've gotta carry de-icer round with me so i can get back in!

Fingers crossed, doing my financial forecast. If i spend nothing and live on bread and water till the end of feb I can can get my KJA on the road. It's carb is shagged too but i'm sure I can nurse it to work and back for a few weeks while RW does his work.

I love Zuk ownership!

Re: Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:02 pm
by Martynsj
I noticed today after checking mine it was a bit cold there is a lever on my air intake with 3 settings 5& below ,between and normal temp when I slide shutter over it just gives full heat into the air intake stopping icing hope this helps someone

Re: Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:05 pm
by dan_2k_uk
Martynsj wrote:I noticed today after checking mine it was a bit cold there is a lever on my air intake with 3 settings 5& below ,between and normal temp when I slide shutter over it just gives full heat into the air intake stopping icing hope this helps someone
If I knew where that bit was I would adjust it!

Might go scouring a landfill like someone looking for a lost lottery ticket! :hahaha:

Re: Carb icing? It just cut out.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 11:16 pm
by ScottieJ
Martynsj wrote:I noticed today after checking mine it was a bit cold there is a lever on my air intake with 3 settings 5& below ,between and normal temp when I slide shutter over it just gives full heat into the air intake stopping icing hope this helps someone
This is only applicable if running a stock airbox and have the standard hot air feed fitted.

For those of us with other set ups we have to be a bit more creative (see my original reply) :lol: