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Suzuki SJ Camo Hood??????????????

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:22 am
by 270buck

I am in need of a new hood for my SJ.

I have seen a camo hood on an SJ parked in my local supermarket in Banbury.

I have just called monsoon4x4 as they used to sell them. Unfortunately they have not had this line in for a few years!!!

Does anyone know where I may be able to source a camo hood?



Re: Suzuki SJ Camo Hood??????????????

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 9:55 am

Re: Suzuki SJ Camo Hood??????????????

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 10:17 am
by 270buck
Cheers for the heads up Robbie.

Just called the guy and he says he has sold out. He orders them from USA and his minimum order quantity is 100. He said when he got them last time he sold the first 80 very quickly and the last 20 took ages to shift. So he does not want to get any more!!!

Does anyone else want 99 of these hoods, I will take the other one? :hahaha:

Anyone else got another supplier I could try?

