Hear is a write up i did many moons ago...
Right hear we go again
This is my write up for the removal of springs, bushes, and a full replacement for a sj/sammy.
First off park the truck in a good position...
Slacken all of the bolts you are going to be undoing. (4x U-Bolts 14mm, NOTE sj410 are 12/10mm 4x Shackel bolts 14mm, 2x rear spring bolts 17mm)
And jack the chasis up and sit it on blocks.
Undo the U bolts and remove, followed by the plate that holds the spring onto the axel also the shock is mounted to this plate. Once this is out of the way you will be left with this.
Repeat on the other side then jack the axel up so no weight is on the springs.
Once that is done undo the front shackle and remove and allow the spring to drop right down
Followed by the rear bolt so the entire spring falls down.
Do that on both sides and you will be left with the 2 old springs.
Im my case my "new" springs are actually reclamed standard springs with the Add-a-leaf fitted to the spring pack.
Now these springs are fitted with completely shot bushes, and are unfit for re use.
So i have a new set of bushes from Bits4Vits
First off i need to remove the old bushes.
One hell of a job without a press ect, but i had a cunning plan, and since we arnt going to reuse the old ones why not????
Take a metal barrel or similar
Cut it in half, (mind sharp edges)
Punch some holes in the bottom and sides of it and start a fire!
One the fire has established itself, chuck the end of the spring in, and go for a cuppa.
Part 3
Once you have come back, the rubber should be well alight and will leave you with this
Leave it to cool and start refitting the new bushes.
I tapped mine in with a hammer using the clock face method
After that fit the rear of the spring, and do the bolt up finger tight
With that done, pop the old bushes out of the front of the chasis and pop the new ones in
Once thats done, pull the spring up and refit the shackel
With both sides done, all finger tight, we can position the axel back in place.
Get the axel back into its postion and refit the U bolts, and tighten up finger tight
With that start to tighten up all of the bolts
After that is all done at tightened up to the correct torque settings, take the anus of the stands, stand back and admire.
After its all down and you have taken it for a drive, check all the bolts again, re torque, and job done!