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Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:03 pm
by DaveRobson
hi i'm dave
im 20, and trying to get my first sj 8-)

can you post some pictures up?

Re: hellllloooooooooooooo

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 9:52 pm
by Tramp
Hello Dave nice to meet you, why don't you tell Us a little bit about yourself?
trying to get my first sj
sounds promising, what has made you want to get one? I can remember the point when I decided I wanted one for my own, I was 18 and my freind had got his firt car, it was a tidy little 410 and he took me out for the 'roof down' motoring, he took me to a local green lane and said "have a go" It was great, i belted up the lane and bounced through pot holes and fell in love, I epecially liked the idea of a 'Big 4x4' with pro's of such a tiny engine..... and because I was 18 I thought it would be an affordable way to get on to the road. I suppose you could say it started a habit of a life time, I still have that same SJ I started out with


Re: hellllloooooooooooooo

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 10:37 pm
by Jordi
Welcome. Can't beat an SJ.

I've got an SJ and custom sammy.

As luke says, tell us about yourself. Where are u from etc.....


Re: hellllloooooooooooooo

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 10:40 am
by ferris
:welcome: Welcome to the club Dave.

Good luck on your hunt for a SJ. There has been a few beautys on ebay recently, but it depends on your budget.
What sort of thing are you looking for? A cheap run around, or a pristine example? Also are you planning to do any off roading?

I wouldnt buy anthing to cheap unless you can weld, or at least willing to learn, as they tend to suffer from tin worm.

I bought mine as a cheap run around. Then fell in love with it, and iv just spent the last 8 months and a lot of money restoring it.

Heres a picture of mine when i first got her for £300 off ebay.

I would show you a picture of how it looks now, but iv not finnished her yet :roll:

Re: hellllloooooooooooooo

Posted: Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:07 pm
by DaveRobson
i live in welwyn garden in herfordshire. im a motor mechanic but dont have the skill of welding =(

Atm i drive a 1988 vauxhall nova, and i love it. plans are to take it off the road for a rebuild, so i dont want to buy another project lol.

i'm hoping to get into a bit of green laning and 4x4 action, but also just want it as my daily car.

ive found a e reg sj localy (owned by a mechanic) and he had done lots of welding and mechanical mods over the last 6 years. the only problem being tatty body work. other then that it seems very well, and i could do with some practice doin body work anyway :roll:

also i think its been lifted with shackles and the springs look flat :evil:

Re: hellllloooooooooooooo

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 8:28 pm
by Edweird
Iffy bodywork is an unavoidable foe with SJ's. It's just there.

Re: hellllloooooooooooooo

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 1:00 pm
by ScottieJ
welcome to the forum, if you are only just starting out I wouldn't recoment buying a straight sj anyway as you are going to end up putting dents in it when those trees/rocks jump out at you. :mrgreen: plus chicks dig body damage :lol: :lol:

I spent a year rebuilding my sj form the chassis up, only to take it out the day after the MOT and rip all 4 arches off, dent the front wing, one of the sills and a door :mrgreen:

Re: hellllloooooooooooooo

Posted: Tue Sep 14, 2010 6:38 pm
by DaveRobson
year it look good anyway.

my issue is witht the springs tho.
can i just put some standerd shackles and springs on and fit above axle rather then under?
does any one know how much these go for?

Re: hellllloooooooooooooo

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2010 12:03 pm
by ScottieJ
it's a bit more work thatn that to fit spoa (spring over axle) you need to sort out the steering, preferably with a high steer but you can use a Z link ( i personally wouldn't go near one!) longer brake lines, prop spacers, an anti-wrap bar for the rear axle and longer shocks.

have a look around the forum as suspension set ups have been covered many times.