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Newbie from the valleys!

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:48 pm
by ellodave
Just thought i would say hello and say well done for an awsome little site you have here! have found the D I Y seaction very helpful and will be do a few mods to my sj soon!
Anyway here is a few pics of my anus when it was all togther! Im currently putting a new front end on, running the rad in the rear, vitara C&P and maybe a locker in the rear




This is why i need to put a new front end on


Re: Newbie from the valleys!

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 10:03 pm
by d86
hi dave and welcome,(i'll say it first everyone else must be in the pub)

nice to see the cage works,(the widow maker at toms farm i guess)

you will find us more relaxed(less sarky,not critical) than difflock. :roll:

so welcome's not your fault you are fron wales :lol:

tony :P

Re: Newbie from the valleys!

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 11:26 pm
by carnut
hello dave,,,
I was going to ask why you parked your truck like that!!!,, but i wont.
welcome to the forum.. WAs a nice looker until you parked it,(damm, i wasnt going to say that?). I mean fell into that hole.
Hope your back up and running soon.

Re: Newbie from the valleys!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 2:13 am
by ellodave
Thanks for the welcome guys and yeah i dont get why diff lock have a thing about tom's its such an awsome site to go play on! and the reason for my special parking was due to being hung over and just couldn't be arsed to get out of my anus to see where i was going!!! good way to get over a hangover mind! and my theory is what is the point of having a roll cage if you dont use it? lol

Well im hoping to have my sj back together soon but it wasn't the roll that made me strip it down it was due to some ************ slashing my tyres!!!!!

So do you guys arange many trips to tom's?

Re: Newbie from the valleys!

Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2010 11:15 pm
by 4eye
Welcome to the forum...! 8-)

Its not very often we get to see such clear pics...............

.........of the underside! :lol: :P :lol: Looks/looked a nice little monster....not been to tom's myself...any good?

What little b...stards,any idea who it was? I'd be well p****d if that happened to me!! :evil: :evil: :evil:

Anyway...good luck with the mend and all the best!

chris 8-)

Re: Newbie from the valleys!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 3:39 am
by ellodave
Yeah tom's is a awsome site to go play on its 600 odd achers of fun in which you can play and do as you like! im hopping ill have my anus back together before the end of next month as the club im with is planning another trip there towards the end of feb!

and na not really dont have a clue who done it! im surprised they didnt knick it as there not hard to get into!

Re: Newbie from the valleys!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 8:31 am
by Henry
Hello and nice truck!

I love toms, get up there quite regularly!

If im not mistaken then waterfall? I bottled out :roll: :twisted:

Re: Newbie from the valleys!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 9:11 am
hello :welcome: as said before nice truck 8-) toms is a great place i have fond memorys, i spent time upside down there aswell :lol:

Re: Newbie from the valleys!

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:21 pm
by the fool
hello :welcome: nice looking truck i am going to take the trip over the bridge if i ever get any time to fix me sj