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Suzuki Maruti

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 7:24 pm
by Desperate_Dan
It's interesting that the SJ is still being manufactured in India. I guess they would not pass the current EU regulations but somebody may have made a personal import with an SVA test?

Re: Suzuki Maruti

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:33 pm
by Tramp
yeah they have been made there for a while, they started copying the lj80 moved up to 410's, 413's then sammy's and then the fuel injected ones (you know what i mean they used the grill from the uk injected one but I don't know if the maruti engines were actully fuel injected) and now they are making copys of the coily sj's apparantly rhino ray bought in a boat load of new bodys direct from the maritu factory, so if you see a body with the indicators in the grill (like the coily sj that never made it to the uk) and leaf spring chances are it was a rhino ray replacement body,

further more, when i went on holiday to cyprus me and the missus found a few as hire cars
It seems that in any other country sj's are worth there weight in gold and the only odd country out is us here in england where they can be picked up cheap
