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anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:32 am
by mic
i just like the looks of em, not sure if id ever take it off road :lol: i get the impression lots of people here off road regularly, but does anyone use em on a daily basis for work etc??

Re: anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:31 am
by ScottieJ
I used to use mine as a daily and offroader (or even a daily offroader :lol:) brilliant little trucks for town and country driving, however they dont like motorways due to the lack of top speed and lack of power. saying that mine has been on a few motorway trips :mrgreen:

I'll be using it as a daily again as of tomorrow because i'm selling my road car to fix another one i picked up for cheap.

Re: anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 1:54 pm
by bourneyo
I used to use mine as my daily driver, was grate fun! but like scott have used mine for a few motorway trips, but there not designed for them! best tip is to sit behind a lorry on the M'way and let his drag pull you along!

Dan 8-)

Re: anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2009 2:05 pm
by 4eye
i live 4miles from my work and use my sj eveyday.........great fun to nip down lanes to and from work but i wouldnt want to do much long distance in my little 410! 8-) :P 8-)

Re: anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 11:22 am
ive got a 3inch lift insa turbos on me sj and the wife drives it most days. its done a few mway miles wich aint the best, but when its all you got :lol: wouldnt want to give it though :mrgreen:

Re: anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:34 pm
by Henry
Mine gets out and about sometimes. But it rattels and shakes, and the induction is loud :twisted:

Re: anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:42 pm
by TAZ
I intend to use my zuk as a daily driver and offroader when I passed my test :lol: . 3 mile drive to college everyday plus any places I like to go.Going up and down the country for offroading events and to pick up bits. Why not lol

Might have to fit a 410 transfer box though as Ive got bigger wheels fitted

Mine hasnt got any rattles at the moment only a rock hard ride, but hey ho its life and its all I got :mrgreen:

As for induction, that will come very soon when Ive fitted a snorkel :lol: and Ive got a loud stereo system to drown out any other noise :lol:


Re: anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 11:45 am
by Tramp
yeah, i had it for around 2 years as a daily drive, as said my work was only about 4 miles from my house so the poor fuel consumption and harsh ride werent a problem, I probably put around 15,000 miles on my sj in those 2 years, but then i got another job 26 miles from home, so I bought another car for commuting,

the sj was good though, great for 'tootling' down country lanes but as mentioned motorways were always hard work.


Re: anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:38 pm
by ScottieJ
As of today my zuke is my daily again :mrgreen: its all fun and games!

Re: anyone use as a daily driver?!

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 2:14 am
by chan
what sort of speed can you hold on the motorway? 60? or 55? ill be using mine as a daily driver 10-150 miles a day depending where im working.