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European Union

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 1:16 pm
by twiss
So... I don't think we've had an EU thread yet have we?
I've been speaking to lots of people I know in the UK about the Brexit and get really amused every time.
Everyone gets so worked up about the whole thing.... the EU is going to take over out lives, this that and the other.

Living in a different country now I'm pretty sure most of the European Union member states just flat out ignore the EU regulations

Re: European Union

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 7:21 pm
by Rhinoman
I've lost interest in all the BS. Apparently if we vote out there will be a war in Europe - are people really expected to believe that?

Re: European Union

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 10:28 pm
by Anton

Re: European Union

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 9:32 am
by ScottieJ
I'm voting government is bad enough let alone 2

Plus with all the lies, made up statistics and scaremongering coming from our government why would anyone fall for it and believe that we are better off staying, they only care about money in their pockets, not ours. However the general public have more power to influence the choices of our government on new legislation and our rights etc than we do over the choices of the EU government so I believe we could possibly be better off out.

Sorry but so many of the "for" arguments are things that probably would have happened anyway, Yes the EU has done some good things but it hasn't helped every country in the EU and left many of the poorer economies in the dirt.

At the end of the day though we are gonna get screwed over in one way or another if we stay or leave.

Re: European Union

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 12:43 pm
by Tramp
I've used a scientific approach to this situation *ahem* so the majority of people in my Facebook newsfeed think we should exit. In my personal opinion I agree, but not for the reasons most people are voting out for. I work in a coal fired powerstation and I'm 29 years old, I enjoy my job and would like to continue working at this powerstation. Due to EU environmental legislation we are due to shut in 2021. This isn't because we are unprofitable but because of our emmissions. If we left the EU I would hope the life of my plant would be extended and that in turn I would be able to keep doing my job for longer!

Re: European Union

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 2:04 pm
by Rhinoman
Tramp wrote:I work in a coal fired powerstation and I'm 29 years old, I enjoy my job and would like to continue working at this powerstation. Due to EU environmental legislation we are due to shut in 2021. This isn't because we are unprofitable but because of our emissions.
You should move to Germany - they are building more coal fired power stations. We'll be OK though because when the lights start going out over here they can sell us some electricity. The EU are forcing every manufacturer to build electric cars and at the same time forcing us to close our power stations.

Today we are told that if we vote out then the UK will slip into a recession that could last a year. Sounds like Mr Osbourne getting his excuses in, two weeks ago they quietly announced that UK manufacturing has slipped back into recession, I wonder how long that's forecast to last.
I don't seem to hear a great deal from the out campaign other than Boris playing to the press, maybe they are trying to keep the Belgian fellow with the German wife out of the limelight.

What I don't hear is what happens if we stay in. The Germans and the French are committed to a single European state with one currency, one bank and one set of laws, we have already opted out of that. Angela says that if we don't sign up then we will be side-lined within Europe and we will have no influence. She hasn't said if this lack of influence will lead to a proportional reduction in our contribution.

Re: European Union

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 2:29 pm
by RickUK
Next month my vote will be for leaving the EU,we have been very lucky that we have all been given the rare option that is not normally given out to vote on staying in or leaving,most countries once they are in dont have that option.

For the next 2-3 weeks as like the previous month or so,all you will hear is the BS and frightening tactics and all the doom and gloom if we leave,we survived perfectly well before,and the scare stories will get worse as well within the next few weeks.

Back in the late 60s early 70s we had all been promised that it will be a land of milk and honey and it will be the best thing since sliced bread,but at the time of the original vote we had very little information on what the plan was infact i dont think any folks at the time had a clue,but we all thought it was mainly going to be just trade and opening upto a much wider audience so that we could sell more goods etc.Hardly any mention if i recall about about taking over some of our governing powers and all the other Brussels dictating us what we can or cannot do,and the rest is history as they say.

So did i have a say in the original vote in the early 70s ?? well yes i did get my voting card the same as the rest of the country,was i fed all the BS like the rest of the voters,my vote is yes we all fell for it hook line and sinker,i dont mind putting my hand up and saying at the time i thought it was a good idea,but i totally regret it today,but my vote will certainly be on the 'NO' part of the ticket next month for sure.

Re: European Union

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 3:52 pm
by The Zee
If we stay in, it's business as usual. if we opt out "they" say it will be a decade to unwind ourselves from the EU. By then we will not know whether it was worth it or not as so much would have changed anyway.
I really have no idea which way to jump.

Re: European Union

Posted: Mon May 23, 2016 9:29 pm
by Jezz
Easy decision for me. Leave, we will be fine.

Re: European Union

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2016 4:11 pm
by BabySuzi
considering its such a big deal I'm surprised the thread only lasted a day.

I work in warehousing alongside a lot of EU migrants but in a different job, engineering. I've met a lot over the years in different employment and many of these people have set up a life here buying houses and the such. I've no idea what would be done with these people, forced to sell up and shipped back?

I'm undecided, there's no reason to believe the scaremongering that's all I can see for sure. just loads of waffle from the people up high.

whether in or out the country will go on.