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I punched my engine.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 7:48 pm
by wikusvandemerwe
Recently (ok, for a while) I noticed the temp gauge on my 'aught six gv had decided things were cold. I didn't think much of it as Northumberland is pretty sodding cold anyway however early last week on my lurch back home from picking up my wife at the office things went bad... The dreaded 'orange box with a jagged line through the middle" icon started popping on and off (whereas previously it was a rare occurrence I had chosen to pretend wasn't happening) and then stayed on and my shiny was not so happy. I was immediately gripped by a dread that I felt would lead to the ECU being shot, or the harness being chafed or possibly even an injector turned sour as the hastily consulted manual suggested...

Then it went off and all was well for a few potholes, then it was back for keeps and I got p***ed off.

On arriving at my parents house to collect the children I was in such a rage I had to tell the Mrs to go get the kids as I am locked in a rictus of hate for this clear POS that I've bought in error and cursed our finances with. I sat there seething, prophesising a series of repairs that was going to total up to more than this heap was worth. This was in my mind, a certainty.

So anyway, Rachael came back and loaded up the offspring and I drove home where I discovered that due to whatever engine cancer that had developed the tickover was higher than I was used to which made the inch-perfect manuvering required to get onto the drive quite alarming as it felt like someone had their foot on mine which did nothing for my rage.

Then I saw that the air recirculating dodah led was flashing on and off (WHYYYYY!!!!) and the radiator fan stayed on after the engine was turned off.

Incensed I parked the swine as best I could, flung open the bonnet and punched the son of a bitch square in the nuts, cracking the pointless plastic cover thing.

The moral of the story is, that icon on the dash can come on if your temperature sensor is buggered, which when I had calmed down, was an easy fix.

Re: I punched my engine.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 7:03 am
by dan_2k_uk
Ha ha. Brilliantly written little story there. Glad you got it sorted.

Re: I punched my engine.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:21 am
by Tramp
Why isn't there a like button? I'm sure we all have broken something when in rage, I'd like to think of myself as a patient person but sometimes things just push all my buttons, one time I really lost my rag was on the phone to BT, I rang several times and I had been endlessly re-directed from one automated message to another until the system decided my query had been fully answered and hung up on me when I really wanted to speak to someone. Well the fridge got the brunt of my impatience and it still sports a receiver shaped dint where I whacked it with the phone. It was the same sort of feeling I get when I'm playing a game on a console and I end up rage quitting! After I'd hit the the fridge I looked across at the wife and she says something along the lines of 'was there any need for that' - she knows how to make my blood boil!

Re: I punched my engine.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 12:39 pm
by r-nottz
"punched it.square in the nuts" that mate is excellent!

Re: I punched my engine.

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:39 pm
by ianedwards