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Aisin pipes to nowhere question

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:16 pm
by djc
Hi all, trying to improve cold start on my Aisin (good once warm) and discovered 2 pipes coming from lower casting. Checked on the how-to guide and that carb has them as well. they join and go onto the casing low down near back of carb on rocker/mani side.
Here is a pic of my 2:
Aisin1.jpg (332.4 KiB) Viewed 3501 times
here is the same thing on the how-to thread:
5.jpg (73.85 KiB) Viewed 3501 times
There is no sign of any pipes come away and hanging - any idea what they are for, should I ignore...??

Re: Aisin pipes to nowhere question

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:58 pm
by stevepsj413
Hi, im not 100% sure but i think these are for coolant to circulate round the carb. Ive done away with standard carbs and swapped to webers but still have the old ones in my garage. Looking at one of these, the pipe that points upwards joins back to the carb near the top just above the throttle cable, and from memory the other joins back to the inlet manifold to circulate coolant, think this runs the original choke on the aisin carbs so it might have been blocked due to the chokes being famously bad.

Re: Aisin pipes to nowhere question

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 6:40 pm
by djc
Thanks Steve - that sounds quite likely, and fits with the rubbish cold start. So I'll go looking for a water out from the manifold which will have been blanked off. Someone did this ages ago so a fair guess the auto-choke wasn't behaving anyway. I may need to live with the bad cold start anyway, and I do plan an SU soon as. All the sooner at this rate :)

edit, just found this looking foer SJ specific aisins (seem to have used different ones on Toyotas a lot)
O03.jpg (89.46 KiB) Viewed 3485 times