offroad noobs, new samurai.
Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2015 7:10 pm
ok so im new to this ive bought myself an £800 samurai. with minimal rust.

Ive done a huge 120miles in it so far. An managed to snap the fanbelt (old and crusty) and found out the rad was super leaky. So ive swaped it out i plan to do the cambelt and major service, also water pump and fuel pump.
Its already been fitted with a webber carb and tobe fair isnt even that slow, certainly goes fast than you would actually want to.

Ive done a huge 120miles in it so far. An managed to snap the fanbelt (old and crusty) and found out the rad was super leaky. So ive swaped it out i plan to do the cambelt and major service, also water pump and fuel pump.
Its already been fitted with a webber carb and tobe fair isnt even that slow, certainly goes fast than you would actually want to.