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Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:15 pm
by Jezz
I'm not arguing with physics. All i'm saying is i've done it, And they have all driven fine on and off road.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:27 pm
by Jezz
Also phasing is when the propshaft itself is out of alignment as your perfectly timed video demonstrates.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 2:31 pm
by Jezz
Also you would generally only point the rear axle at the t/case, As doing the front would alter the caster angle, Unless you cut and shut it.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:06 pm
by ScottieJ
Those bolt through mounts are a nightmare if that’s what you’ve got fitted, they can cause all sorts of noises and vibrations. Stock rubber mounts are best.

But as above, check your diff pinions for play, if he was on about crush collars maybe the rear pinion bearings are on their way out.

Gotta agree with Tim about the driveline angles, pointing the diff up at the tcase does put the UJs out of phase and cause premature UJ wear and possible vibrations. The tbox flanges and diff flanges on the rear should be as close to parallel as possible. With the diff pointed up you should run a double cardon style propshaft.... BUT this is not the issue here as it used to be fine.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Wed Sep 04, 2019 10:15 pm
by donkeychomp
This is it lads. It was fine until Mr Land Rover specialist got his hands on it. Also noticed the hand brake is set bolt upright now whereas before it was on the floor. Ordered a new breaker bar to get the gearbox oil bolt out...the diff is so full of new oil it's overflowing as is the tbox (as it should be). But the noise and vibes do seem to be coming from this cursed tbox...

If I could I'd take it out and rebuild it but as this is my only vehicle...kinda problematic. And seeing the initial problem was just a knackered thread or 3 in the tbox mount I don't see why it would be all of a sudden making so much noise...

Tomorrow I'll make sure the gearbox has oil in it...certainly feels ok to use but you never know.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:36 am
by Jordi
Sounds like a nightmare of a time.

Might have already been asked. Is the t/box in a cradle or standard mounts?

Are the bolt through mounts going fully tight or running out of thread on the bolts?

For the cost and time could be worth trying a set of standard mounts.

Saying that, i have had bolt through mounts fitted for years it ran fine, finally fitted a cradle for a bit more strength in the mountings and protection for it.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:11 pm
by donkeychomp
I put the original rubber mounts back on it Jordi. No cradle. The bolts are done up fine, they are brand new. Checked the gearbox oil. Empty. Filled that, but she's still sounding the same. He might have put the tbox prop on the wrong way round so going to rotate it 180 degrees and see if that helps. It's a real head scratcher this one.

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 5:21 pm
by timwilks13
All props have been put back together in phase with the little dots lining up yes?

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 7:33 pm
by Jezz
Slip joints on the props should be nearest the t/box. Have you tried driving it with the rear prop removed to see if the noise disappears.
If you get what i mean, Remove prop, 4wd and drive it as a front wheel drive??

Re: the no dosh LJ revamp

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 9:03 pm
by donkeychomp
Well the rear prop was put on by me after new UJ's and it's fine. Unless he took that off too, he might have done. I'll try taking that off and drive it in 4WD and see what happens. Keep up the ideas chaps, all are welcome!