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Re: hi all

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:27 pm
by ScottieJ
Yep some of my earliest memories are driving down the ridgeway in an lj :mrgreen:

Re: hi all

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:58 pm
by Russ24
Edweird wrote:
8-) Love 'em or hate 'em, you can't deny that they all have a unique charm to them. 8-)
withough a shadow of a doubt is the most accurate description.

it has sould, character and personality above most.

and yes Twiss.. another reason i was attracked to it.. was that face they are more simple than a nokia 3310.

never was mechanically minded...

but being surrounded by friends who dont think twice about changing there defender diffs at the side of the road while on the way to work...

.. it was only natural to 'get my hands dirty'

a year ago, if you mentioned, diffs, SPOA and transfere box's i would have either given you a blank look or winged it...

as to the exspensive part.. its not the spares.. its the tools i seem to be aquiring....

Re: hi all

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:49 am
by twiss
Russ24 wrote: a year ago, if you mentioned, diffs, SPOA and transfere box's i would have either given you a blank look or winged it...

as to the exspensive part.. its not the spares.. its the tools i seem to be aquiring....
So true mate so true. 4 or 5 Years ago I would've probably paid someone to change my brake pads :lol: :roll:

Re: hi all

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:31 pm
by albertross74
haha yeah, I've always kind of been interested with mechanical kind of stuff, as I used to be really into mountain biking when I was in my early teens and ended up changing everything on my bikes (forks, cranks, bottom bracket, etc.) so doing this kind of thing with cars was a natural progression I guess.

Had a Daihatsu Hi-Jet as my first car at 17 which was also pretty easy to work on, only did a few things to it (wheel cylinder, new radiator). Then getting the SJ and checking out forums like this one I've learnt so much more like different methods of lift, gearing ratios like rocklobsters, among many other things.

Also I feel having so many others on this forum who are much more knowledgeable than me has given me a real confidence to give things a go!

Re: hi all

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:11 pm
by Russ24
albertross74 wrote:haha yeah, I've always kind of been interested with mechanical kind of stuff, as I used to be really into mountain biking when I was in my early teens and ended up changing everything on my bikes (forks, cranks, bottom bracket, etc.) so doing this kind of thing with cars was a natural progression I guess.

Had a Daihatsu Hi-Jet as my first car at 17 which was also pretty easy to work on, only did a few things to it (wheel cylinder, new radiator). Then getting the SJ and checking out forums like this one I've learnt so much more like different methods of lift, gearing ratios like rocklobsters, among many other things.

Also I feel having so many others on this forum who are much more knowledgeable than me has given me a real confidence to give things a go!

i agree with your there...

being surrounded by ppl that do it all the time helps...

a many saturday afternoon passes when we are aall at out friend house.. (big driveway) working on atleast 3 or 4 cars at once.. neighbours love/hate it hahaa

some have defenders, some have discos soem have vitaras.. and we cmmpare notes.... and help out...

and say if one of us needs wiring done.. we bribe them with beer or pizza or whatever.

makes a great productive day.


group of us from crawley 4x4 hired out picadilly woods for a weekend... so as usually after a few drinks and a bbq... ar 12 in the night... 'lets go for a drive' and some of us while utterly pissed still managed to repair a transfere box and fit it...

your hobby is as goo as the people you associate with in sed hobby.

good people good times.