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Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:33 pm
by ferris
Sounds like she got off pretty lightly there :| You are right, if it was the other way round it would be a very different story. Im surprised you didnt have to got to court to give evidence.

Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:24 pm
by Tramp
ferris wrote:Sounds like she got off pretty lightly there :| You are right, if it was the other way round it would be a very different story. Im surprised you didnt have to got to court to give evidence.
Same here, i would have liked to have gone, but I think she must have pleaded guilty straight away so they won't have had a real court room, it will all have happened through the post :roll:

Any way, I was due for my op to start lengthing my leg on monday gone (the 14th) but my surgeon had an accident and is off work until mid august. The hospital managed to get me an appointment with another surgen, so on thursday gone (the17th) I went to see if they could fit me in for an op, The ssurgeon I saw was one I'd never met before but he seemed nice enough and he explained that I may never get the movement back in my ankle, but tbh I don't care I'd rather have equal length legs and a limp than a short leg and a flexible ankle! Im now due for my leg lengthening op on wednesday the 23rd, which i'm dead chuffed about, I really thought I would be waiting a few months at least,

As well as getting me booked in for the op I managed to get some copys of the inital x-rays when I attended A&E in decmeber ,

here is my thigh bone

And then my lower leg

My knee and lower leg

I'm sorry the last 2 aren't very clear but its just sort of shattered

then I also got some copys of the x-rays after my surgery, you can see the drain from under my skin graft (the squiggley tube) and the staples holding the graft in place


They said at the hospital that my break has healed well, and If i was going to leave my leg short they would be about ready to remove the frame, which is annoying! but I suppose the longer I have the frame on the longer my intial break will have to heal


Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 12:47 pm
by ScottieJ
jeeeeezzzz those original x rays look harsh! ouch ouch and more ouch!

Glad to hear that you are still on the road to recovery! when are you having your leg broken again to lengthen it?

Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:48 pm
by Tramp
scottiej410 wrote:jeeeeezzzz those original x rays look harsh! ouch ouch and more ouch!

Glad to hear that you are still on the road to recovery! when are you having your leg broken again to lengthen it?

Wednesday, :shock: starting to get a bit nervous now, but It will nice to be able to have equil length legs

Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 10:03 pm
by dominic
Good luck Luke,
Im sure we all be thinking of you . Just get yourself better.
I dislike hospitals myself, i keep away from them.
I had my fair share of problems, but nothing compaired to your injuries.

Dont get worked up with the old biddy, just not worth the stress. You need to think of youself and your future.

She does deserve to be banned for good.
Not even a sorry, fecking hell, she wouldnt like it if it happened to her.
As the saying goes ..... what goes around,comes around.



Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:31 pm
by Tramp
Hey everyone, I'm back from my hospital stay, They let me out yesterday, Everything went to plan and I seem to be recovering ok, My leg is still very tender and putting weight on it is painful. I relly dislike the foot pins, but hopefully in 2 months or so they can come out,

here are some pictures for you all,





Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 2:32 pm
by Henry
Owch! get well soon mate!

Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 4:35 pm
wot henry said

Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:22 pm
by ScottieJ
Yeah a deffo big OUCH! Glad to hear the op went well and just keep thinking! your on the last leg of the recovery now :lol:

Sorry I couldn't resist! :roll:

Hows that losi mrc of yours doing? been using it much?

Take it easy matey!


Re: Luke AKA Tramp *Updated*

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 8:06 pm
by 4eye
firstly dude fair play.....your doin well.....all this will be worth it(but you already know that! :roll: ).

secondly.........yer leg decor looks awsome!!!!!!!(sorry.. :oops: :P , its the welder fabricator in me! :twisted: ).

for thirds...........the wife wishes you well........ 8-)

take care 8-) 8-) 8-)