Rear light refurb
After assessing my original lights i decided that the broken earth contacts were too difficult to repair properly so went on the hunt for another set. Harder than i first thought it seems
In total i found and rejected 3 sets of replacements before spotting a nice looking set on Ebay. I cleaned them up and found just a few minor repairs had been made and some scotch locks were fitted for trailer wiring. I removed these as they collect dirt and corrode
I dont have any before pics but these are the finished units
I have cleaned up the earth contacts and covered them in grease to prevent corrosion
Some of the bad repairs i cut out and soldered together, finishing it with shrink wraps
I began taping the wires up with loom tape like this but then realised that this will hold moisture and probably not do the wiring any good, its really for internal wiring this really
Instead of the lamps having 2 earth points i joined them together to make one. I have made the wires longer than needed to aid fitting and help make any future repairs easier
Main problem it seems is that the lights and wiring are so exposed to the elements in the open bumper. Made worse by the fact that its an off road vehicle. Care should be taken to protect any exposed wires from dirt and water and seal any joints properly. A lot of the wiring in the loom has gone black and dirty inside which makes things difficult. Before soldering i had to clean the core wires with brake cleaner and emery cloth to make them shiny again so they take the solder.
Running the wiring through the cab instead of underneath is probably the best way but i wont be doing this myself.