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Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:32 pm
by Tramp
4eye a fully fledged DIYr now...... :P i havnt just painted the nursery....i gutted the room....shelveed the old airing cupboard,put in fitted wardrobes ,ftted coveing,lammed flooring ,new doors,skirting and arcatrave, blind,crtain rail,put the cot toghether and i didnt like the permanant dropped side so took it apart and added different fixing holes...put it back toghether and re painted :guns: ME :guns:

im now doing landing/stairs&hall....and thats after gutting my kitchen(even the ceiling came down) and fitting new, made the old pantry into a down stairs wash room(toilet to you and me :P), then gutted the lounge and put all new in there........put it this kept busy!!!! :shock: :P :shock:

Blooming heck, That is busy :shock: You should have saved some jobs until it arrives that way have an excuse to get out of the house when it won't stop crying 'Er I'm just going to get some plaster board....'

Have you had any thoughts about names yet? best get it sorted now so there are no arguements when its born!

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 11:04 pm
by 4eye
ah dont worry bout that......i've got a 100+sqr m garden to finish......35ish fence pannels and concete posts to fit, drive to lay,large double gate i made TWO years ago to fit....a boarder wall(of some sort) to section the two steps of the garden,rotavate and pound the mud/weeds....then seed so we have some kinda garden for the end of plus i want to build a v-large shed at the bottom of it.

oh and clean up the yam to sell this summer.....think thats it...... :er:

Im sure Mrs 4eye will find more things for me to do :lol: :bawling: :lol:

As for names IF its a boy.....Oliver........Girl.....not sure...we cant agree :slap: :headbang: :hammer: :hammer2: :zap: :argue: :usetheforce: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 9:30 am
as your all havin babies thought id just mention im now a grandad and we took her on her first laneing trip at 9weeks old and she loved it :thumbup:

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Sat Feb 26, 2011 10:27 am
by Edweird
Chuck Norris if it's a lad, Cameron Diaz if not. :cowboy::

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:23 am
by 4eye
ROBBIE wrote:as your all havin babies thought id just mention im now a grandad and we took her on her first laneing trip at 9weeks old and she loved it :thumbup:
Mint...i like it!!! ive been lookin at racaro type baby seats already..... :P
Edweird wrote:Chuck Norris if it's a lad, Cameron Diaz if not. :cowboy::! :thefinger:
:P ;) :P

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:11 am
by 4eye
Well 1:42am this morning i became a daddy....ITS A BOY!!!!! :rockin: Weighing in at 8lb 4oz .

CHUFF'D :mrgreen:

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 am
by twiss
Congrats 4eye! Looks beautiful!!!

When are you getting him his first Suzuki then? ;)

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:25 am
by ScottieJ
congratulations matey, pass my regards on to the missus :thumbup: hope she is doing well!

:doit: :doit: :doit: :doit: :doit: :doit:

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:32 am
by Edweird
Congratulations to you, your missus and little baby Chuck

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri May 27, 2011 11:47 am
by twiss
hahaha ^ LIKE

I think Chuck will grow up to be big and strong... and bearded ;)