by gsommo » Fri Jan 15, 2010 1:31 am
Hi 4eye, you paid 300? I guess your right about the wrong time of year. Was yours a summer purchase? I need to find me one of these soon, as im literally obsessed with them, sad as it may seem, on difflock and this site 24/7 hahaha. Should probs be trying to get clients instead of pissing about. Was yours for 300 in bad condition or what, how come so cheap?
I guess the ones to look for are the ones from country houses where a groundsmen or something has used it for doing little things and the home owner wants it off their land or something like that. A family that just wants rid of it ASAP.
The search continues. Might be a bit cheeky asking, but if any of you guys comes across anything, would it be ok to let me know?
Many thanks
Oh and it seems that this forum is lacking some scottish members, where are they all, why are they not driving their sj's on the highlands haha.