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Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:40 pm
by andyrew
Yea . Going to dig out the wellies. Billinh has a tendancy to flood so put ya tents high

Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 12:43 pm
by dan_2k_uk
When I spoke to the organisers on the phone they said its really water logged. Good job its a 4x4 show.

Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:40 pm
by dan_2k_uk
Can I leave work yet?!?!?

Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:45 pm
by Jordi
Ok, its almost packed. We have
- various sockets and spanners
- screw drivers
- torque wrench
- rock lobster
- 2 diffs
- jump leads
- transmission brake parts
- tent
- 3 x sleeping bags
- cable ties
- bin bags
- CB aerial, mount inc. co-ax

To do are
- pillows
- food
- wash gear
- clothes

Anyhing else?

I have a bag or charcoal if you want Dan?

Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:47 pm
by dan_2k_uk
More charcoal the warmer. I have 6kg.

Wd40 and tape is always handy for elec probs. Torches. Fold up chairs!!!

Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:49 pm
by Jordi
Chairs are on their way. Tape and multi lube live in the glove box!

Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:57 pm
by Jordi
Another 5kg of charcoal coming down. I'd bring some normal coal for when/if we had a fire but i dont want to destroy any ones barbecue. It burns that hot it melted my cast iron fire crate.

Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 5:22 pm
by Jordi
Just a brief warning. I'm not really into camping these days. I will have forgotten something, important things most likely.

Last festival i went to i stayed in the Raddison Plaza.

Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:15 pm
by andyrew
Ive picked up a giant black pud. Im not staying the nite. So if theres
Only a bbq in eve you guys have alota pud to eat !

Will grab some buns n stuff.

Wellies people!!!!!!!!

Re: 4x4 & Militaria Show 13/14th April 2013 at Billing Aquad

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2013 7:42 pm
by dazerede
Umm jordi are u taking ur yellow and red sj if so ummm

Where is all the gear going are u taking a trailer