Re: June Voting
Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:21 pm
Looks better with out the txt tbh but am one of these thay doesnt edit piks lol
Home of all things Suzuki 4x4
Fair enough. It was just to satisfy my curiosity. I tell you what though. Your photo composition is very novice photoshop friendly. The girder on the bridge is perfectly horizontal so I just had to copy a small section and paste it along in line with the pixels and blur it a little bit.windsor wrote:Looks better with out the txt tbh but am one of these thay doesnt edit piks lol
I didnt have my cam on me so i dont think its bad to say it was taken on my s3 amnimpressed with its pik takeing ablitysEdweird wrote:Fair enough. It was just to satisfy my curiosity. I tell you what though. Your photo composition is very novice photoshop friendly. The girder on the bridge is perfectly horizontal so I just had to copy a small section and paste it along in line with the pixels and blur it a little bit.windsor wrote:Looks better with out the txt tbh but am one of these thay doesnt edit piks lol
very jelouse mate :(The Heretic wrote:Voted.
This is about as urban as I have been this last month!