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Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 4:03 pm
by Jordi
Congrats bud... Seems to be something in the air on this forum.

Thank the gods of off road my wife doesn't read this forum, she'd be getting ideas. Damn hard work trying to put off this baby lark..


Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:46 pm
by Edweird
Jordi wrote:Congrats bud... Seems to be something in the air on this forum.

Thank the gods of off road my wife doesn't read this forum, she'd be getting ideas. Damn hard work trying to put off this baby lark..

Sprekin of which. A lad at college today asked me:
"Ed, you still a virgin?"
I says "Yes" wondering what they're getting at.
"I'm not surprised." Chris says with a smirk.
"Girls like hatchbacks."

F***ing A***holes! :evil:

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:15 am
by Tramp
Jordi wrote:Congrats bud... Seems to be something in the air on this forum.

Thank the gods of off road my wife doesn't read this forum, she'd be getting ideas. Damn hard work trying to put off this baby lark..


I know its a right job, we ended up with 2 dogs, a rabbit, 2 hamsters and a tortoise before i finally gave into the baby, I think you just need to sit back relax and realise its inevitable....

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:16 pm
by Jordi
Im up to four cats so far.

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 9:24 am
by 4eye
we have two house rabbits........ :roll:

oh and my tropical fish :mrgreen:

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 8:48 pm
by 4eye
even my fish are having babies
6in total (so far :P )
Image Image

Mrs 4eye had to have a late scan and got a freebie photo

Only 3 months to go.....! :shock:

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:06 pm
by Tramp
It will be here before you know it, Do you know if it will be a boy or a girl? My mrs was deterimined to know so she could buy the appropriatly coloured clothes!

At about 2 months to go our missus decided she wanted a 3d scan. It was alright, but my missus really liked it, we got a video of him moving and some pictures and keyrings etc it cost about £90 but our lass was right chuffed about it

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:16 pm
by 4eye
tell me bout it.....dont seem like 2 mins ago we announced she was with bun in oven :P

90quid aint bad.....if we want one(were not) we gotta fork out around 200 sheets! :shock: :roll: :shock:

We dont know.....and wont till the day of arrival....dont want to spoil the surprise :P
not bothered....boy or girl as long as its healthy! :guns:

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 9:34 pm
by Tramp
thats the best way, have you started sorting out the nursery yet? My missus got her mum around to come and paint it! Bless her, she so organised and doesn't really appreciate my laid back approach,

Re: never guess wot my wife has done........!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:20 pm
by 4eye a fully fledged DIYr now...... :P i havnt just painted the nursery....i gutted the room....shelveed the old airing cupboard,put in fitted wardrobes ,ftted coveing,lammed flooring ,new doors,skirting and arcatrave, blind,crtain rail,put the cot toghether and i didnt like the permanant dropped side so took it apart and added different fixing holes...put it back toghether and re painted :guns: ME :guns:

im now doing landing/stairs&hall....and thats after gutting my kitchen(even the ceiling came down) and fitting new, made the old pantry into a down stairs wash room(toilet to you and me :P), then gutted the lounge and put all new in there........put it this kept busy!!!! :shock: :P :shock: