Regarding the derv engine, ive always ever drove diesels, my daily for the past year or so has been a 1.9d skoda pickup and runs round all day on a fiver and i do a fair few miles in it, i was massively disappointed with the fuel efficiency of the SJ im putting £10-£15 a day in it easy compared to £5 in my little pickup, the little 1.5 diesels are mint on fuel (near 60mpg in the 106) i'd be happy if it was getting 30-40 in the sj, i also like the drive-ability of the diesel engine, the little 1000cc engine is very underpowered and only takes banks in 2nd screaming its heart out, murdering fuel. also i can run it on cooking oil and kero

im not going to be doing any insane offroading in it, mainly green lanes and a trip up to silverdale pay and play every month and possibly check out tick hill.