It's finally happened

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It's finally happened

Post by Tramp » Wed Sep 23, 2009 2:17 pm

well laddies,
Its finally happened, Ive had to buy a sensible car, yesterday I put down a deposit on a 53plate 45,000 mile 1.6 petrol astra :cry: what is the world coming to? On thursday next week I start my new job, and with it being a fair commute each day I had to buy something practicle, at the moment I work 2 miles away from my site so the petrol drinking quality of the SJ wasn't really a problem, also with the SJ it has tin worm around the sills and needs some major reconstructive surgery and it has needed it since january when its MOT ran out, for the time being I am going to moth ball it, I was thinking about sitting it on the front garden (even though my fiancee says it will look like step toes yard!!) and keeping it, for even if i decided to sell it, I wouldn't get my money back. The other option would involve me selling a few of my other toys (read 4 motorbikes) to put the SJ in the garage.
It might be nice to have a car that won't attract the wrong sort of attention and that looks like all the others and can drive the speed limit, but to be honest I dont think I will ever love it,

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Re: It's finally happened

Post by ScottieJ » Wed Sep 23, 2009 3:36 pm

it happens to the best of us, i'm driving a BMW you at the moment and its a pain in the ass to find parking spaces around bath as it's longer than the sj!

don't sell your zuke tho luke, take advantage of the fact that you have a run around now and tidy it all up! then it'll be solid for years to come! you've put so much time & money into it that it would be a shame for someone elso to buy it and thrash it to its death off road!

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Re: It's finally happened

Post by 4eye » Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:37 pm

Your right on the money there may just regret gettin rid...!

i have a yamaha xt600e that i use to commute to work most of the year. Maybe its just me but i couldn't part with my sj so easily:lol

my ride.........:4eye:

+2 lift....grizzley boots is all i need!

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